Poverty research: Which countries with high birth rates are really doing well?


If you compare the unequally distributed prosperity in our world, one distinguishing feature is particularly striking: Almost all of the poor countries have extremely high birth rates and there is rapid population growth.



Does it make sense to bring more and more children into the world despite the extreme food shortages that have existed for decades?
The world population has tripled since 1950. Is this a welcome, responsible development? Is that the unmistakable proof of progress, of enlightenment, of dealing openly with the problems of our time? If parents can hardly feed themselves, if famines plague states year after year, why not even dare to think about the real causes of misery? Why is family planning and birth control still such a repressed taboo? Why is this fundamental problem hushed up even in liberal Western societies?


Is it all the fault of the bad white man?
Insincere repression artists/conspiracy theorists would like to fix the consequences of colonization as the cause of all adversity again and again. In doing so, they ignore the often good intentions ofcolonization (the German Reich has put a lot of money into this system, which was once considered the best possible form of development aid). It is also not forgotten that the mere mortals in the colonial powers were often no better off than the natives in the colonies, that only a very few whites (and African chiefs) enriched themselves with this system. Anyone who repeatedly pushes today's Africans into a victim role gnaws at their self-confidence and hinders the economic advancement that is overdue there.


Are Islamic states less successful economically?
Could it be that religion also has a say in a country's prosperity? In any case, it is striking that states with a predominantly Muslim population are rarely economically successful (with the exception of the rich oil-producing countries). Even high income from mineral resources can hardly alleviate the misery there.


Will the supposedly rich industrialized countries soon be tearing themselves out of the poor countries for low-skilled workers?
As is being proclaimed in the current issue of Spiegel (issue 51/2021)? Or do such prophecies belong more in the realm of political propaganda? Do you want to promote the further opening of our country? Should the population be persuaded by scaremongering and a fake labor shortage that Germany cannot help but transform itself into a multicultural immigration country? Ideologies and moral concepts are put out there, which are then understood and disseminated by the caravan of mirror-sensitive journalists as a new leading culture (mainly via state television). I've been wondering for a long time: hasn't the "assault artillery of democracy" (formerly the leitmotif of SPIEGEL) long since become an "assault artillery of surprise democracy"?


Will the problems be solved if all the hungry and needy immigrate to the welfare states that still exist?
Glorifying politicians and pro-sympathetic journalists describe these prosperity-seekers as "seekers of protection" and repeatedly refer to human rights. But can Germany (or Western Europe) absorb all of these crowds? In the next three decades alone there will be around 200 million climate refugees.
Admittedly, I'm one of those people who think that mass migrations aren't effective, that this kind of help doesn't solve the problems, but only shifts them and multiplies them.


Why is rampant population growth still not a topic of discussion?
Green politicians talk incessantly about climate change without even naming population growth as the most powerful factor. I find this ignorance pathetic and hypocritical. This decisive factor is also denied in relation to the corona pandemic. Can nobody really imagine that the constant population growth and the associated mass migrations/flows of refugees, the resulting visits and travel plans, etc. also influence the spread of the corona virus?


How did the Chinese economic miracle succeed?
Let's remember: About 40 years ago, the standard of living in China and Africa hardly differed. But then China started a splendid race to catch up on its own with at least eight percent real gains in prosperity each year. Why doesn't this work in Africa? Perhaps this played a role: China pursued a one-child policy, did not constantly see itself as a victim of a long-gone colonial era, looked ahead, set up its own production facilities, reformed the education system, created a reliable rule of law, etc. So all things which African states could also carry out.


"We have no work!"
Really not? Where there is free enterprise, anyone can become self-employed. Especially since nowadays there is a good range of business start-up loans and related development aid and those seeking prosperity also manage to raise 5000 euros for their dubious escape helpers (after all, only the European "sea rescuers" work for free).
However, a prerequisite for such a business start-up development mechanism is a reasonable import tariff system that prevents cheap imports from abroad. Why should countries with 50 or even 100 million inhabitants not be able to produce their own cars, televisions, kitchen appliances and office machines - in an acceptable quality. The small GDR managed to do that 50 years ago under the difficult conditions of the communist planned economy. Just remember how quickly the Tesla company was stomped out of the ground - it grew out of nothing, prevailed on the world market against long-established, overpowering competition. So: If imports were limited to the bare essentials by means of a high import duty, an African economic miracle would also be quite possible.


The false teachings of many aid organizations!
Some naïve do-gooders actually still believe that Africa's very own problems can be solved with huge amounts of development aid and the promotion of mass migration. But they should start to realize that this kind of support has done little good over the past 70 years. In most cases, these commitments were even counterproductive. They have incapacitated and gagged African states because the loans and cash injections were all too often coupled with patronizing conditions (e.g. waiver of customs duties). Sometimes I get the impression that many do-gooders suffer from a helper syndrome complex and have no idea what they are doing with their misunderstood "charity".



Excuse me!
There is no equality of opportunity - even when it comes to forming opinions. While the capital (corporations, speculators, lobbyists, media, governments) can afford the best translators, I have to settle for a simple language program for financial reasons. I hope, however, that the text is nevertheless reasonably understandable and that no major mistakes have occurred. Thank you for your understanding.
Manfred Julius Müller, 24939 Flensburg (Flensburg has approx. 90,000 inhabitants and lies on the German-Danish border)


My websites are absolutely non-partisan and independent!
They are not sponsored by state institutions, global players, corporations, associations, parties, unions, aid organizations, NGOs, the EU or capital lobby, hyped by google or influenced by the cancel culture movement! They are also free of advertising and fees.

Background and analysis:
German Political Encyclopedia: independent & non-partisan
Do doctored statistics and state propaganda form the basis of our democracy?
Poverty research: Which countries with high birth rates are really doing well?
The infiltration of democracy by the Cancel Culture movement …
The nasty tricks of the anti-democrats!
In Germany wages have been falling since 1980. Why?
Causes and consequences of global economic crisis
Germany: The brazen proclamation of skills shortage!
Globalization: the ignorance of the facts
"We have to explain Europe better!"
When will the Dexit? (the withdrawal of Germany from the EU)
The rule of law becomes a laughing stock



© The above text is the summary of a study by the independent, non-partisan economic analyst and futurologist Manfred Julius Müller from Flensburg (Germany). First published January 9, 2022

Manfred J. Müller has been analyzing global economic processes for 40 years. He is considered a pioneering thinker. For example, 20 years ago he called for a kind of supply chain law that obliges manufacturers and dealers to only import fairly remunerated and produced goods to Germany (finally became law in May 2021). He has also long recommended a minimum profits tax for large companies on domestic sales (Joe Biden's proposal for a global minimum profits tax in spring 2021 is finally moving in the same direction, but is far too lame and will hardly be implemented internationally). Manfred J. Müller has also been fighting for his idea of wage cost reform for three decades (gradual reduction of social security contributions with counter-financing through value added tax and customs duties).


Through decades of brainwashing, the corporate lobby has succeeded in making radical ideologies a matter of course!
Through an army of loyal politicians and sympathetic journalists and the superiority of their opinion factories, system-owned economic institutes producing desired statistics, etc., they have brought about social changes and laws that only serve their special interests. This can be seen, for example, in the development of earned income (real net wages and pensions have been falling in Germany since 1980) on the one hand and the gigantic jumps in profits on the other (such as with shares and dividends). Should it always go on like this?

A critical look behind the scenes of political machinations:
The dreaded books by Manfred Julius Müller...